Thanks to Jean and Ivan for allowing my artwork to grace their new waterfront condo walls. Ivan took the pics of the Sand Hill cranes and asked if I could paint them. His pics are on the bottom.
I really enjoyed using the palette knife and continued on to my second piece. This one is a wave/beach scene. I really enjoyed painting this as I decided the colors of the waves and the sky. I think one...
I just finished this piece and will show it for the first time at this Sunday’s Art in the Park. The last show of the season. I am happy to say that I will be the featured artist for...
I also was very honored to be asked to submit two pieces of my work at the Foyer Gallery which is inside the Emerson Center here is Vero. The director wanted two specific pieces which will be displayed until...
Well, more shows have come and gone. I sold quite a bit in February and March so far. Under the Oaks was not as good as last year. Lots of artists said so. Don’t know why. Less traffic this...
Selling lots but when you sell lts you have to paint more! I dont want to paint the exact same thing I sold previously so I need to change it up a bit. I dont think that is fair...
Finished this sandhill crane family. A friend took this pic. So much color.
A beautiful day for an art show. Started out slow but it picked up after lunch. A nice woman took three of my pieces. She purchased my two best and newest large pieces and my newest smaller piece. Hope...
I had my first art show in December and though it was not a lot of traffic, I did sell four pieces! Inspiration to paint more. I have another art show this Sunday 01/06 at Humiston Park and am...
First show is this Sunday the 16th. Art in the Park near Humiston Park on Ocean here in Vero. Very excited. Now I have to sell some!